The Next Step for Wearables
The next step for wearables and wearable technologies. The key to success lies in the hands of tech companies and the level of investment they inject into technological developments for wearable tech.
WEAR TECH CON is an event series produced by Fashion Tech Network.
This group is for wearable tech professionals, industrial designers, R&D groups, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts to engage in the fashion/tech field through product presentations and workshops. Product engineers/designers, 3D printing professionals, researchers, gamers, crafters, tinkerers, inventors, gadget creators and/or tech artists engaged with mixed prototyping to converge fashion & technology who add digital dimension to their works by fusing advanced materials such as etextiles, wearable computers, circuitries, ambient intelligence, etc. and clothing technology for practical applications of augmented reality, bio-mimicry, performance enhancements, etc. and the development of future directions for fashion design and industry.
#WEARTECHCON is a think tank group for wearable tech professionals, industrial designers, R&D groups, entrepreneurs, VC's and enthusiasts to engage in the wearable tech field through forums, expositions, product presentations and workshops. Product engineers/designers, 3D printing professionals, Glass developers, Android Wear developers, researchers, makers, gamers, crafters, tinkerers, inventors, gadget creators and/or tech artists engaged with mixed prototyping to converge fashion & technology who add digital dimension to their works by fusing advanced materials such as etextiles or smart fabrics, wearable computers, robotics, virtual reality, circuitries, ambient intelligence and clothing technology for practical applications of augmented reality, bio-mimicry, performance enhancements and the development of future directions for wearable design and creative tech industry.
Connected Wearables : Tech Lifestyle
PCH / Highway 01
IOT Connected Systems & Wearable Design
Wix Lounge
Connected Wearables : demos
PCH / Highway 01
Connected Wearables : demos
PCH / Highway 01
Designs of Wearable Technology
Connected Wearables : demos
PCH / Highway 01
Art & Design of Wearable Technologies
Art & Design of Wearable Technologies
Startup Founders and Designers Panel – A top-level view of how art and design, technology and other cultural signifiers translate into fashion, fashion design and the design of wearable technology.