Fashion For The People provides a broad educational support, increasing participant’s business experience, self-esteem and confidence by improving their relationships with peers and prospective employers, and changing their attitudes about positive work environment and team work.
Working under the tutelage of Fashion For The People leaders who are knowledgeable in providing guidance in the field of fashion and retail. We provide guidance in various internal office functions, such as operations, production, accounting, backstage, marketing and overall business of fashion. It certainly, however, not a commitment that is taken on for financial gain but to gain experience in the field.
Fashion For The People’s educational programs cater to a variety of ages and interests. Programs to provide opportunities for students and newcomers in the world of fashion with various educational platforms in the areas of the arts, fashion and technology. All internships are voluntary basis.
Fashion For The People provides a platform for technical professionals to connect to possible trade matches by implementing criterias such as common interests in forming matches in the field of fashion technology.