Marketing Series: How I Grew My Business Using Social Media
Join us on our speaker series with Mehak Vohra as she shares her secrets on how she grew her brand and business using social media marketing and the power of networking.
Mehak is the founder and CEO of the growth hacking agency Jamocha Media. After two years in Computer Science at Purdue University, and a year into her agency, Mehak decided to dropout of Purdue University and take her agency full time. She now resides in San Francisco, CA. Mehak works primarily with early stage startups in user acquisition and social growth. She also run a YouTube channel called watthemehak (“What-the-Ma-heck”) where she documents her time as a young startup founder. Mehak runs a private network called Startup Science which has over 700 individuals and there, she shares with them the secrets to be a successful entrepreneur.
What is Growth Hacking? - It is the process of utilizing your marketing channels in a smart way to identify the most effective, efficient ways to grow a business.. Which is the largest Growth Hacking Group? - Badass Marketers and Founders SF (@bamf) with over 15K members. Who is the president of BAMF - Hailey Friedman, a noted growth hacker known to have helped various business' grow their brand. Come and learn from her the biggest badass growth marketing hacks to scale your brand and business in this fireside chat session.
About : Hailey Friedman is the President of SF's largest growth marketing network called Badass Marketers and Founders and the growth marketing manager at RealtyShares. She is also the founder of Growth Marketing Pro which helps marketers & founders with actionable tactics for scalable growth.
Growth Marketing : Grow Your Facebook Page With Viral Content
Struggling with how to get your facebook page more exposure? Wondering how to make your content viral? Then this session is for you. Join Jonathan Gaurano in a 2 hours speaker session where he tells you his secrets.
Jonathan Gaurano is a creative video content strategist for online brands. In the last two years alone, the projects he's created have reached over 500 million+ video views and have acquired over 20 million+ subscribed fans. He knows how to get your content seen on TMZ to Mashable to CNN and even sites like 9gag! He may not be famous, but his clients are internet famous.
Sharon Segev - CRO, Product and Growth at RUTI
Jay Stewart - Admissions Director Jay Stewart at Blush School of Makeup
The movement of diversity is on the rise in the fashion space. Fashion designers and shows are moving away from the traditional requirements of models and creativity to embracing people with different heritage and qualities. The industry is progressing towards inclusiveness, rather than the exclusive boundaries developed over the years.?Strength and power comes in many forms. Understanding this very significance of acceptance and bringing this movement to the forefront, San Francisco Fashion Merchants and Alliance, Inc. (SFFaMA)