Rebekah Iliff is an organizational management, development, and communications professional who has served clients across multiple industries and across the globe for over eight years. She is a senior leader and trusted advisor to executive leadership who excels in solving challenging and complex problems. Rebekah’s valuable depth of experience launching startups, reengineering infrastructures, and developing and implementing business and marketing plans that facilitate growth, build brand equity, and increase ROI have made her one of the most trusted small to medium size business (SMB) consultants in Southern California.
She is an effective communicator, team builder, and creative problem solver who has worked with over one hundred entrepreneurs, thought leaders, technology brands, healthcare companies, financial advisors, entertainment leaders, and small business owners over the past several years. Rebekah holds a B.A. in Philosophy (Cum Laude) from Loyola University Chicago, and an M.A. in Organizational Management and Applied Community Psychology from Antioch University at Los Angeles (AULA).
She has authored and co-authored articles that have appeared in VentureBeat, StartupAmerica, PR Daily, PR Sunrise, the Mega Startup Weekend blog, and the Office of Technology Management blog (University of Illinois). Notable achievements include: Los Angeles Business Journal 2011 “Women Making A Difference: Rising Star” Nomination; National Society of Collegiate Scholars for Outstanding Achievement; and the President’s Award for Community Service and Outreach. Key memberships include: Organization Development Network; Economist Intelligence Unit, Opinion Leader’s Panel; Public Relations Society of America, Los Angeles Chapter; and AULA’s MAOM Community Network Career Programming Group.

talkTECH Communications is a group of smart, savvy, business-minded individuals who have taken the downfall of big business and the lessons of “Recession 2.0″ to heart and created a company to serve the start-up community and business middle-class: a class that invariably constitutes the backbone of our economy, and whose innovations will lead us into the mobile future.
We also understand the four basic laws of supply and demand and how those pesky, little laws impact your business. We know that you don’t exist in a vacuum, and it’s not enough to simply get you a “hit” on the evening news. Our goal is to use the discipline of communications as it applies to your business, while leveraging innovative technologies to develop a creative strategy for distributing your news and information; and then giving you data and statistics that will tell you exactly how our efforts translate into real-time, relevant, meaningful tools for growing your brand. Our tested and proven process will not only get you seen, but will get people talking, sharing, and connecting with you so that you can utilize communications as a tool – not an end unto itself.