Viewing entries tagged
Socially Green

SF Closet Swap

The SF Closet Swap will be a bi-annual event to bring the sustainable community together to raise funds for local charities, while reducing carbon footprint by swapping unwanted, slightly worn clothing. The 1st swap will be held at the popular, up and coming RobberBaron, the new cool kid on the Polk block of Nob Hill. Clothing drop off will take place beforehand at RobberBaron and will be sorted by the RobberBaron +Kaileeni crew. Tickets will be assigned and given day of event for swapping. Better quality items will receive more tickets. Actual swapping date is on March 30th, 2014 at RobberBaron. Pizza and mimosas will be provided and people less inclined to shop can participate by shopping Kaileeni, which will donate 20% of proceeds to charity. Proceeds go to Spark and left over clothing will be donated to La Casa De Las Madres, in the Mission. Come swap, shop, drink, all for a good cause! - Purpose: Charity + Lowering of Carbon Footprint + Community

  • Drop off: Clothing drop off before event between 3.12.14-3.26-14 at RobberBaron, 2032 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109
  • Day of event: at Robberbaron on 3.30.14 from noon-4pm Cost: This event is free. Suggested donations for food and swapping will be available for those feeling more charitable. Websites:
  • Join Socially Green Meetup HERE

Socially Green: Eco Chic Night [at SF Green Film Fest]


SOCIALLY GREEN is the Meetup group of GreenStreetSF a professional networking group for anyone from ecologically-minded consumers to green entrepreneurs and startups who want to connect with other professionals and innovators in the burgeoning green industry landscape. Trunk show featuring Kahoy Collection, Syndicate Brand, BlankShoppe, Voz and more. Presentation by: Matthew Myers of Infrastructure Upgrade: Integrating sustainable design and LEED into the San Francisco fashion industry’s showrooms, shops and manufacturing facilities.