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SWAGG to Demo @ Fashion+Tech 10/20/11

  • SWAGG sponsored the House of SWAGG gifting boutique during Sundance 2011 which featured several brands, but with a new twist - SWAGG provided a cash donation to Stand Up To Cancer for a portion of the gift values offered to VIP guests.
  • Gift and rewards cards management. Import plastic gift and rewards cards from over 500 merchants. SWAGG tracks your balances and organizes your cards with ease on your phone. SWAGG gifts lets you buy, send and swap digital gift cards from a growing list of participating merchants. SWAGG has partnered with thousands of merchants to help you get the most from your shopping experience. And we’re always getting more brands on board. With SWAGG, you’ll be up to date with hundreds of offers that you can use along with your SWAGG GIFT and rewards cards. In no time, your savings will be growing just as fast as our list of partners.

  • About FASHION+TECH: Our mission is to provide an open forum on how to develop innovative solutions to become better business entrepreneurs. This workshop was developed as a platform to discuss the business of fashion and arts through the utilization of current business models and technologies. As a thriving epicenter of independent talents, “FASHION+TECH” features local entrepreneurs, fashion designers, bloggers, retailers and techies in an effort to brainstorm and share new business solutions and to create an exchange network amongst peers in San Francisco’s fashion and art community. Presented By: San Francisco Fashion And Merchants Alliance. RSVP/ PURCHASE TICKETS.