As a new writer for the SFFAMA , I am so happy to be collaborating with such a fantastic organization. Like the Alliance, I too have spent a large portion of my career helping and educating emerging and independent designers. Working as a fashion editor for magazines like Shape, Natural Health and Fit Pregnancy, I would meet new designers on a daily basis and was able to witness what made the difference in who succeeded and who didn’t, and the reasons aren’t always obvious. It didn’t matter who the designer was, or how far they were in their career, their passion for their designs was palpable. This should come as no surprise to any artist, if the passion’s not there, there’s no reason for the endless hours that can consume you as a budding fashion entrepreneur. But you need to know the steps that will take fashion design from hobby to successful career, and I want to help you get there.
In my current position at, I am able to work one on one with independent designers in our Boutique section, Our goal is to make apparel and accessory design a more accessible career for new talent, give designers a free place to sell their creations, free promotion, and an instant audience.
In my role here with this blog, I will be passing on my tips in a variety of areas for helping you to succeed as a fashion designer, and answering any questions you might have. If you prefer to reach me directly, or want to become involved in StyleSalt’s boutique for emerging and independent designers, you can contact me at I look forward to hearing from you!