[ Photos by: STEVE THURSTON. © 2012. SFFAMA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No images located within this site may be reproduced or transmitted without permission of the copyright owner. ] Featuring Stylists: Tam Starita @ Image Minded SFLotus Lee @ Sun & FogNatasha Marie Stewart @ Urban DarlingDario Smith @ DS Lite, Vintage Jewelry Dealer: Sasha Maksutenko @ Sasha Maks, Hair and Makeup by Avital Elgaziel and team of Avital Beauty Lounge, Fashions by SeeZenn and models: Anna, Karla, Kaila, Chloe and Rachel. Concept/PR/Publicity by Owen Geronimo ]

About the event: Guest wardrobe and beauty stylists will discuss fundamentals and showcase their talent during a live beauty and wardrobe interactive styling demo and workshop featuring the new collections from various retail and fashion designers. This is a fun and informative fashion networking event with tips and trends from the experts. Come shop, sip some wine and join SFFAMA at various pop-up stores and retail stores. Meet new faces, upcoming models, stylists, bloggers, and fashion professionals. Like Us HERE.