FASHION BLOGGERS CONNECT, where fashion bloggers are given various platforms to promote themselves, share new tech and innovative fashion ideas in continuing to revolutionize San Francisco’s fashion industry with the guidance of San Francisco Fashion And Merchants Alliance, Inc. 

(formerly known as Fashion Mash-Up) is San Francisco’s longest running workshop combining ‘business of fashion’ and ‘fashion and technology’ formats. From it’s inception in February 2010, Fashion+Tech SF’s mission has been to provide an open dialogue that serves as a forum on how to develop innovative solutions to become better business entrepreneurs.

This workshop was developed as a platform to discuss the business of fashion and arts through the utilization of current business models and technologies. As a thriving epicenter of independent talents, ‘FASHION+TECH SF” features local entrepreneurs, fashion designers, bloggers, retailers, startups & techies in an effort to brainstorm and share new business solutions to create an exchange network amongst peers in San Francisco’s fashion and creative community. Presented By: San Francisco Fashion And Merchants Alliance, Inc.